
Um, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? I'm desperate!?

Um, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? I'm desperate!?Aright, yeah. I procrastinated. I have a huge report due on Fetal Alcohole syndrome. There's like a whole bunch of requirments that I can't find! I have been doing research and i'm clueless! Help!!!!

1. What chromosome causes the disease?
2. What type of mutation causes the disease or disorder?
3. What are the symptoms of the disease or disorger?
4. When is the onset of the disease?
When does a person begin to show it.
5. How many people acquire the disease/disorder?
6. Is the disorder more common in one segment of the population?
7. Are there medications/treatments for the disorder?
8. Is there a cure for the disorder?
9. Is the disorder fatal?

Yeah. it's really long.
If you know anything! Please help me!!! I'm desperate!

Answer by S H
You can type those questions in Google and find much. I suggest you get moving.

Answer by Dr Roark
You're going to have to do some research on your own, but I'll give you a good website. Read their FAQ and such. I'm not sure who picked the questions and who picked FAS, but some of these questions do NOT apply to FAS. Here's the website and here's some guidance:


1. What chromosome causes the disease?
It's not caused by a chromosomal abnormality as many hereditary disorders are - it's an environmental exposure in-utero. This question doesn't apply.

2. What type of mutation causes the disease or disorder?
See above - not a mutation, but an in utero insult leading to abnormal embryonic development.

3. What are the symptoms of the disease or disorger?
See the FAQ on that website, but growth is affected, brain development is affected (leading to cognitive difficulty and behavioral problems), and characteristic facial deformities are present.

4. When is the onset of the disease?
Presumably at birth, but symptoms often do not manifest until later in childhood when the facial deformities and developmental delays are noticed.

5. How many people acquire the disease/disorder?
See the website for accurate statistics, but it's rather common (and totally preventable).

6. Is the disorder more common in one segment of the population?
See website and you might have to do your own research on this - I believe it's more common in Native American and African American populations.

7. Are there medications/treatments for the disorder?
Not for the actual disorder - however, many medications can be used to treat SOME of the manifestations; e.g. hyperactivity and impulsive behavior can be treated with some psychiatric medications.

8. Is there a cure for the disorder?
NO, it is life-long.

9. Is the disorder fatal?
Not directly, though there is an increased rate of drug/alcohol abuse and risky behavior in FAS affected individuals.

Hope this gives you a primer to do some of your research!

Give your answer to this question below! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

Orignal From: Um, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? I'm desperate!?

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