
Antidepressants for alcohol withdraw?

Antidepressants for alcohol withdraw?I have a parent who is suffering from alcohol withdraw. It's been several months. The symptoms are not up to seizure levels, but they are still pretty severe. I'm wondering if antidepressants will help at all (he's also a very lonely person).

And also, what other suggestions do you have for combating alcohol withdraw? Thanks.

Parent should be attending an AA meeting. You should go to ALANON.

Answer by Lisa
He should be seeing a doctor. There is medicine he can take for the physical symptoms and he should go to AA meetings like the kid before me said. That will help him deal with his problems, could help with the lonely feeling too.

Answer by katej135
Talk to your parent's doctor. Benzodiazepines are used to help ease alcohol withdrawal and have been shown to be pretty effective. Don't start your parent on them before consulting with a doctor though, as the dose for withdrawal treatment for your parent might not be the same as the therapeutic dose.
Alcoholics Anonymous has also been found to be very beneficial when it comes to quitting alcohol because it focuses on behaviours and giving support.
Best of luck!

Give your answer to this question below! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

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