
How is alcohol made for drinking?

How is alcohol made for drinking?

Answer by freejackin
It is made by fermentation and then processed.

Answer by The Fat Man
drink it first the bottle the product

Answer by Insane alcoholic drug addicted moron
with yeast and sugar heres a recipe:

2 liter soda bottle
.apple juice
.1 or 2 cups of sugar
.2 teaspoons of wine yeast
.deer park water
.fermenter (i have special caps that are used for making wine but i doubt you have those so just use a balloon)
.needle, thumb tac,
1.empty out the contents of the plastic bottle and rinse it out with tap water
2.pour in the sugar
3.pour in the apple juice
4. put the cap on the bottle and shake it until all the sugar is dissolved
5.pour half a cup of deer park water (IT CANT BE TAP WATER) into a pot and let it boil
6. turn the burner off and then let it sit until its warm to the touch
7. pour the wine yeast in and stir it with a spoon
8.pour the wine yeast into the bottle cap it, and gently shake it
9.with a needle poke 3 small holes into a balloon and put it over the bottle (without the lid on of course)
10.let it sit for 4 weeks

Answer by BEER
Alcohol is made naturally through the pathway known as fermentation. Industrially the fermentation is a planned and controlled process that produces alcohol (ethyl) and desirable flavors.

In an outline format for beer/brewing:
Barley is malted so that the brewer to make beer may then use it. (Other grains may be used as well wheat, corn, rice, so basically if it is a grain with a potential to contribute sugar to the process it is good for beer.)

The grain is cracked (milled) by the brewer and soaked in hot water. Naturally occurring enzymes from the grain, convert its starch to sugars, protein fragments and a few other things.

At the desired degree of conversion the grain bed is washed (sparging) and the sweet sugar liquor (wort) is collected and sent to a kettle.

In the kettle hops are added and the wort is boiled on average for sixty minutes. The hops have bitterness, flavors and aroma to give to a beer. It has been reported they they also give the beer stability against microbes keeping the wort and beer safer from spoilage. This now bitter wort is cooled and sent to be fermented.

Yeast is added to the cooled bitter-wort in the tank. The temperature is controlled for a prescribed time to allow for alcohol, CO2, and flavor production. It is now a beer.

The beer may be further treated by filtration and other means and finally racked to a keg or bottled.

Alcohol that is drank (vodka, whiskey, tequila, etc.) is made in almost a similar method but they use no hops and are distilled to select and concentrate flavors and the alcohol.

Wine is just the juice of fruit that is also fermented by yeast. Wine has certain processing steps to make it the drink we know it to be.

For non-beverage alcohol search for Industrial methods.

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