
What're some medications given to alcohol overdose victims in hospitals?

What're some medications given to alcohol overdose victims in hospitals?
I know they'll start you on Heparin and probably antiseizure meds, but I need some other stuff. Any medical input greatly appreciated.

Answer by aaronbrown79
They use no medication until the alcohol poisoning disappears. They treat the poisoning by cleaning the stomach with charcoal which is then pumped out. This process sops up the remaining amounts of alcohol in the stomach and gastrointestinal tracht. Very gross. Thank God it'll never happen to me.

Answer by sharon
syrup of ipacac which will induce vomiting
charcoal which will absorb the alcohol
flagyl or antibuse to keep the person from drinking
(both meds will make you puke your toenails and wish you had never touched a drop should you ingest alcohol while
taking them)

Answer by Angelus
Most likey something called "Liquid Charcoal"

My sis knows somewone who overdosed once, and she told me that they used that stuf, and then they pumped her stomach.

Answer by madman2k111428
1)charcoal which will absorb the alcohol
2)Librium to calm them down
3)antibuse to keep the person from drinking

Answer by ponchatoulapepper
Alcohol is absorbed so quickly that gastric lavage (pumping out the stomach) is rarely used. Ipecac is out of favor now and rarely used as well. IV's will be given and the patient's alcohol level will be checked every few hours, and the patient is usually discharged when the level comes down.

If the overdose is extensive and the patient is unconscious, the patient will probably be admitted and treated symptomatically, for instance - a breathing tube if if the patient needs help breathing.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

Orignal From: What're some medications given to alcohol overdose victims in hospitals?

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