
can you smell alcohol on your body or just in your breath?

can you smell alcohol on your body or just in your breath?like im tlaking if you of course dont spill it all over yourself. but does it somehow smell on your body or just in your breath?

im kinda referring to jager mostly

but what about others too?


Answer by joe'sgirl
I can always smell when a person has been drinking beer (especially men). It seems to leech out of their pores. I don't know about other types of alcohol. Beer is the only one I've noticed. Maybe because I don't like it.

Answer by ape2016
You can emit the odor from your body, sweating it out your pores. One of the many reasons I got rid of my alcoholic ex-husband, the reaky f-er.

Answer by Alanna E
i think both.

Answer by TexHabsfan
throughout in / on it

Answer by MissWong

Add your own answer in the comments! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

Orignal From: can you smell alcohol on your body or just in your breath?

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