
drinking alcohol at inappropriate times is known as a.alcoholism b.alcohol abuse c.binge drinking d.intoxic?

drinking alcohol at inappropriate times is known as a.alcoholism b.alcohol abuse c.binge drinking d.intoxic?

Answer by corvato
all of the above?

is this a question? are we answering a question for some test you are taking?

Answer by Emily
I'd say B. Although I don't know what D means.

Answer by bstevens5081
Go to Alcoholics Anonymous and ask for the 44 question phamplet.Answer the questions HONESTLY and you'll have your answer.Good Luck! It saved my life.I am an alcoholic now in recovery for quite awhile.Before I thought I only drank too much sometimes.

Answer by lauriemdc
B. at inappropriate times AND for the wrong reasons

However, being "B" can lead to "A" and "A" can be the cause of "B","C" and "D".

Don't let alcohol fool ya.... it's a very sneaky disease...

Answer by Jean Valjean
e. none of the above

why you ask, well if i said i was going for a pint at lunch you'd think what, but it used to be quite acceptable, and there is nowt wrong, aslong as it doesn't interfer with work

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

Orignal From: drinking alcohol at inappropriate times is known as a.alcoholism b.alcohol abuse c.binge drinking d.intoxic?

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