
Alcohol Info: How come all the effects alcohol has on my mental health are all good?

How come all the effects alcohol has on my mental health are all good?By this I mean for me.

Ever since I started drinking in moderation. I'm talking about a couple beers a day. Ive been more outgoing and ive been waking up on time, Ive been falling asleep on time, Going to work in a good mood and I haven't had much of a depressed mood either.

It has to be the alcohol thats doing it because I have not changed my lifestyle at all. About a week ago I drank two beers and I ended up cleaning the whole house and I changed the oil on my car. I don't know but normally I just wouldn't care to do it but its like the alocohol just shifts my mood.All the effects ive had with alcohol ever since I started drinking are all good. Is there something wrong with me? Its like just a little bit of alcohol makes everything okay for me.

Answer by the nickster
cause your gay!

Answer by Ryan
because alcohol is amazing.

Answer by Sant Cpell
You died in a car crash and you are in heaven...you just haven't figured it out yet.

Answer by *$ Baby Bunny$ * MonAy MOnay MonaY
Alcohol is actually good for men (but not to much) .... If ur a guy???

Answer by Golden
you may gain confidence and become more outgoing, but in the long-term, you are slowly killing more and more brain cells,and your memory becomes weaker. Not to mention, as you get older, your nerves become weaker...you become more irritated with the alcohol, and even become abusive if people comment on it.

My father drank, he was a happy drunk when he was younger, but when he got older and drank more, he started abusing me and my mother.

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Orignal From: Alcohol Info: How come all the effects alcohol has on my mental health are all good?

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