

alcoholic!?okay.. i'm only 15, & i have a love for alcohol. sometimes, it gets out of hand. i have been known to do things i wouldn't do if i was sober.
what do i do? i have no idea.
i feel lost in this big world. no one is there for me.

Answer by Ed T
Tell your parents

Answer by Ricky D
You could try Alcoholics Anonymous, or the Samaritans. It's good that you've recognized that you may be beginning to have a problem, and even recognized a bit of the cause. If there is a sympathetic schoolteacher, you might try there, or a school counsellor. Good luck!

Answer by Union_Dooz
First talk to your school councilor, Maybe they have a group of people like you that can talk things out and solve it before professional intervention is needed.

Answer by Cindi B
You need to talk to you parents. If you don't feel comfortable doing that talk to a teacher or counselor at your school that you trust.

Answer by Darlene
Please stop drinking! When I first read this I immediately thought of my best friend. She lost all control when she was drinking but she never received help. Unfortunately she died 5 years ago in a car accident because she was drinking and driving. I was heartbroken, we were friends since we were little girls. You are very brave for seeking help. Can you tell your parents? If not, you can tell a teacher or guidance counselor from school. You can also contact your local AA or even a teen help line. They will ALL get you the help that you need! I know peer pressure is awful, but please don't fall victim to it.

What do you think? Answer below! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

Orignal From: alcoholic!?

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