
Can you use alcohol to clean regualr nintendo games?

Can you use alcohol to clean regualr nintendo games?I got a bunch of regular nintendo games and was wondering if you can use alcohol and a q-tip to clean the connectors. Also, how do you clean the game system itself?

Answer by Yu-Gi-Oh freak
What type of Nintendo System is it? Depends

Answer by AleSmith
You shouldn't have to do much cleaning on the system itself but using rubbing alcohol on a q-tip will work. I worked at a gamestore where we used windex as well. Do not put the game in wet though, leave it ample time to dry.

Answer by blue03neon
just blow on it or used compressed air on a very very low setting to blow any dust out.

not sure about the q-tip thing so i would just try blowing on them without spitting all over the place

Answer by Byron G~ Oni_Link
it depends what nintendo system it is i think.

Answer by jengo1
If you are refering to the original Nintendo you can use clear rubbing alcohol rub it on the copper tines of the games and the console but don't open up the casing of the console. There are places you can send the main unit to be checked and repaired. Look online.

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