
Hate that I even have to ask this question.. My Dr. think I may have alcoholic liver disease, and I'm only 23?

Hate that I even have to ask this question.. My Dr. think I may have alcoholic liver disease, and I'm only 23?Is that even possible? I thought someone had to be a heavy drinker for at least 10-15 years straight for something like that to come about. I've been drinking since 1998, but I've only been drinking daily for about 6 years now. I never even considered myself an alcoholic... I always waited till noon to start drinking... I don't know. That can't be right. Should I go see a different doctor? I believed him when he said I had ulcers and gastritis... I knew my drinking would effect my stomach in some way, I didn't think it could effect my liver this soon though! =(
I'm scared to get the results of the blood tests back.

Please don't leave any mean comments though, I'm already feeling bad enough as it is.
Even in the six year period, I had a pretty big break in the drinking for a while...
I tried quitting the day after the doctor appointment, I didn't think it would be like it was. Shaking, and feeling sick, and a tempurate.... I didn't think I physically addicted like that. I plan to quit as soon as I get the results back from the blood test and I can talk to my doctor about a safe way to stop. I didn't want to be one of the few that had fatal withdrawal symptoms. I really want to quit, but I'm still scared.
Ignore all the grammatical errors in that last 'edit.' Sorry.

I have visible symptoms, at least thats what he says. I was talking to him about my stomach problems and he somehow got on the subject of my liver... He wants to run the tests to find out what's going on.

Answer by Dustin S
It is definitely possible even at a young age. I would get the blood tests to be sure. Don't wait the longer you wait the worse your condition can become.

Answer by trumpet_teen417
Look, you know how people say everyone is different? Well that's true about body organs... It's like having a man drink and smoke for his whole life and live till he's 102, and then have a man live and not mess with any of it... and die at 50... it depend on the person.
In the short it is possible and if your doctor said it, it might be true... I can suggest getting a second opinion... if it's true... lay off the alcohol... it isn't great for your body anyways... Of course I speak as a person who has NEVER drunk or smoked... it messes with 20 something organs... All you can do from here is do better :)
good luck

Answer by Cats
Yes, that is absolutely possible. You have been drinking a lot. Some studies show that 3-4 drinks a week is at a toxic level for some women. If you have been drinking everyday for the past six years, that is an enormous amount. The best thing to do, the best treatment for your condition is to stop drinking cold. Really, the liver can heal itself pretty well if you just stop drinking all together. If you don't, you could end up with liver cirrhosis and that is not something you ever want to deal with. If you are relying on alcohol for personal issues, maybe seek therapy so that you don't go back to using it as a protective mechanism.

Answer by dcno02
The blood tests will tell you. I don't think the crowd at Answers can tell you much. Good luck.

Answer by joshflox
When I drank soda daily everyday it had a massive impact on my physical being. My bones felt weak and were sensitive along with my teeth hurting with little nutrients to my dry skin. It can have an effect.

Alcohol has the ability to go threw the aligning of your liver over time. If you were going to to drink everyday at a certain time. Your system isnt going to clear the alcohol from your liver in 24 hours. It just takes a cup(key word) of alcohol a day for a few years to have an effect. Logically, I can see how it can effect someone. Its like saying a apple a day keeps the doctor away.

So yes, it is possible. Though, there should be some other sort of testing because you could have a crooked doctor.

What do you think? Answer below! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

Orignal From: Hate that I even have to ask this question.. My Dr. think I may have alcoholic liver disease, and I'm only 23?

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