
What types of alcoholic beverages have no brewer's yeast in them? Or have it filtered out completely?

What types of alcoholic beverages have no brewer's yeast in them? Or have it filtered out completely?I've read several posts here to try to find more information, but haven't been able to find an answer to this. I've read that yeast is central to the alcohol brewing process, but I've also read that some alcoholic beverages have processed and filtered it out.

I took an allergy test recently which said that I'm allergic to brewer's yeast - does this cover all the yeast strains in Japanese Sake for example? Or are there strains I can have?


Answer by Gman18876543

Answer by railroad dave
skyy vodka claims 4 column distillation , triple filtration .

Answer by MasterPython
All beer and wine could have yeast in them. Hard liquor is safe because yeast does not evaporate.

Answer by higgimonster
MasterPython is correct. But I will elaborate. "Hard" alcohol is distilled by evaporation to get the purest form. Thus all the flavoring ingredients and yeast are left behind.

Beer is full of yeast, well the one's worth drinking. I am so sorry that you are allergic to brewers yeast. I don't know what I would do.

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Orignal From: What types of alcoholic beverages have no brewer's yeast in them? Or have it filtered out completely?

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