
Does alcohol have any long term effects on the brain?

Does alcohol have any long term effects on the brain?I know it obviously has the temporary side effects of being drunk, and it often has long term side effects of liver damage, but is there any evidence to show it has long term effects on the brain?

Answer by Cindy Roo
Yes there is!!! It is called Alcoholic Brain Syndrome. Look it up on WebMD.com My brother suffers from it and continues to drink, and smoke. He has major heart disease and has already had a quadriple bypass and still will not quit. He has also had stroke and continues to have TIA's daily. This is very serious, but most alcoholics do not care!!!

Answer by dlgrl=me

Answer by RetroGirl
It is commonly referred to as "wet brain", and causes short term memory loss, confusion, and decrease in motor skills.

Answer by nikka
yes, but if you are a teen than it is especially so because the brain is still growing and the cells are deprived because the alcohol disables the ability to think straight, maintain coordination, and make good judgment. if the drug is abused regularly it can cause long term memory loss.

Answer by jessica m
I think there is...... Well, anywayz I don't drink beer so I wouldn't know.... GO TO THIS WEBSITE TO FIND OUT.....


Give your answer to this question below! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

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