
Tell me about Ireland, Germany and the Ukraine?

Tell me about Ireland, Germany and the Ukraine?I want to know anything about the Ukraine and I want to know about German and Irish alcohol. I know that sounds weird... Haha
And tell me how much people in Germany and Ireland actually drink. And any other fun facts about those places. :D Thanks.

Answer by Nik
I can tell you about Germany. I live in Bavaria where the most and best beer is brewed. Here almost everybody drinks beer at least once a week at dinner. In the city less people drink alcohol, in the countryside everybody does. In Bavaria the traditional breakfast is WeiƟwurst with Beer!!! Very Yummy!!!
In Germany you can buy beer if you are 16 and harder alcohol if you are 18. Cigarettes used to be for 16 too, however the age was changed to 18 in 2005.
On the weekend german youths like to get totally drunk!!! It's fun =)
And almost everybody smokes too!!!

Answer by Steven
I'm from Ireland, so I can help you there :)
Half of Ireland's pints pulled in bars are Guinness. I'm sure you've heard of it, and it's the only beer that is brewed with nitrogen, not carbon dioxide. It's poured in a different way too. It's poured half way, then you wait for about a minute or two, then pour again.

Whiskeys from Ireland include Paddy's and Jameson. If you're looking for a smooth whiskey though, I would steer clear of Irish whiskey and go for something like scotch.

There's also Hennessy, which is a good cognac.

Regarding how often we drink, it varies on the person and occasion. If there's a football or rugby match on, the pubs would be packed. You won't really see many people in pubs in the daytime though, unless it's outside in a beer garden when it's sunny. There's a lot of underage drinking over here though. Mostly in the local parks on the weekends.

Give your answer to this question below! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

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