
Alcohol Info: Taking alcohol while on Sertraline (Zoloft) and Quetiapine(Seraquil)?!?

Taking alcohol while on Sertraline (Zoloft) and Quetiapine(Seraquil)?!?I am looking for advice on this.
I have anxiety and depression for which I take Sertraline ( aka Zoloft|) & Quetiapine (aka Seraquil)
and have only started this medication a few weeks ago.
I am currentley taking 25 mg of each (the smallest dosage)

I plan to consume a fair amount of alcohol this coming weekend and I was wondering if that would be truley harmful?

I heard it can make you more tired,and enhance the side effects of both drugs.
Would it be best to skip my dose for that night?

Any info is helpful!

Answer by Beckie K
Hi. I take both of these as well. I'm no doctor but from my own experiences, I wouldn't stop taking them as you may experience some side effects or withdrawal effects. as for alcohol, I'm sure that many people on these drugs have had a drink from time to time - I know I have. I have to warn you though that these meds increase the adverse effects of alcohol, meaning that you are likely to get very drunk very quickly and have a terrible hangover afterwards.

Only you can judge weather or not you you think it will be harmful, but just remember that the warnings are on the packet for a reason! ...and as you're taking these drugs for a reason, it may be fair to say that you would be more vulnerable to the adverse effects of any negative consequences of mixing alcohol with your meds... will you be safe if you get very drunk, will someone be around to make sure you get home safely? If nothing else I would tell someone that you're on these meds, so that if anything does happen then medical help can be sort.

To be honest, if I were in your situation I think I'd think twice....take care whatever you decide :)

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Orignal From: Alcohol Info: Taking alcohol while on Sertraline (Zoloft) and Quetiapine(Seraquil)?!?

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