
If somone has a family history of alcoholism, drinks daily, but is never violent when drinking?

If somone has a family history of alcoholism, drinks daily, but is never violent when drinking?or drunk, could that person still be an alcoholic? Is emotional unavailability a sign of alcoholism?
Fantasia: To answer your question, yes it is affecting my life and I'm not even the one doing the drinking.

Thank you all for your answers, they have all been very helpful (so far).

Answer by kja63
Yes, that person could definately be an alcoholic. And to answer your other question, yes, emotional unavailability can be a sign of alcoholism.

Answer by tay_jen1
if someone's drinking no matter how frequent has you asking questions, it is serious enough. not all drunks are violent.

Answer by thoven8
Yes. You just described me to a tee. Good work! ;)

Answer by cyanne2ak
Yes indeed they could be, and probably ARE an alcoholic. Drunkenness and violence, though side effects of alcoholism, do not define the disease itself. For more information please contact your local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Answer by paki708
possible, the drinking daily part is a sure sign

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

Orignal From: If somone has a family history of alcoholism, drinks daily, but is never violent when drinking?

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