
Is it legal to sell icecream with alcohol to minors?

Is it legal to sell icecream with alcohol to minors?I had a job recently where i was bit worried about the legality of what they were doing. I'm not super clear on laws so i was just wondering if it was legal for them to do this.
I don't work there anymore, i quit and he refuses to pay me my last paycheck so that's a whole different issue.

However, I was wondering if it is legal to serve ice cream that has alcohol in it to minors, or even for a minor to sell it. I am 20 so i wondered if it was even technically legal for me to give it to customers. We had three different flavors, one with jack daniels, one with baileys irish cream, and one with guinness beer. We served these to children which i was not sure if that was ok.
The ice cream probably does not have much alcohol (although i do not know the full alcohol content) but it's definately in there and it is tasteable.
I was just wondering if this is legal or not. I was thinking that maybe there was such a small amount in the ice cream that it would be legal but i am curious now knowing that the owner obviously doesn't care about doing what is legally right (such as giving me my last paycheck- which btw i will be making a formal complaint). These employers also did not have the posters that are supposed to be in a food service job anywhere that i could see which i know is illegal.
It's definitely not artificial flavours because a lady came in at one point asking about Gluten free icecreams which the owner said were definitely not the ones with alcohol in them. I am so happy i quit when i did (even if i won't get my paycheck till someone makes them give it to me), They seem to be doing barely anything legal and serving alcholic icecream to minors is just a way of getting kids interested in alcohol at an earlier age which is not something i condone.
Thanks guru, but the managers said themselves that the icecream with alcohol had gluten. does that not mean it has real alcohol such as beer does? and yeah i'm unhappy about my check but i already have that figured out, that's not the issue in this question. The issue is alcohol not checks so you don't need to include that thanks.

Answer by hotwheels122287
of course its not legal......

Answer by Steven Woodhouse
I think it would be illegal.

Answer by meggles
absolutely not! its illegal for minors to drink and sell icecream, unless the flavour is artificial. there not a real business. there just selling something thats easy to make for lots of money. i bet they dont even have a foods permit which you need to have to sell ANY food.

Answer by Kitten
You need to report this to your local Labor Department and to the police.

Answer by Guru
Selling alcohol to minors (for consumption) is an offense, regardless of how you package it. The only relaxation in this law is when alcohol is used in medicine, in which case it is prescribed and mostly purchased by a responsible adult.

That said, the ice creams probably have no alcohol in them and are only artificially flavored to simulate the tastes of flavors like Jack Daniels, Baileys and Guinness. This is common practice worldwide.

Regarding your problem of conscience, the whole issue seems to be mostly about your unreceived paycheck. I suggest you concentrate on solving that problem and will find that other issues won't be as bothersome anymore!

What do you think? Answer below! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

Orignal From: Is it legal to sell icecream with alcohol to minors?

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