
Will drinking alcohol while breastfeeding dry you up?

Will drinking alcohol while breastfeeding dry you up?I am just wondering the effects of drinking alcohol while breastfeeding.. I know I should pump afterwards.. but will it dry me up?

Answer by eyebchery
do NOT drink alchohol while breastfeeding. shame on you.

Answer by RJ
if u have anough u might?

Answer by Lulu R
I think so. My Grandma says so.

Answer by G_ha_16
why would you do that anyways? everything in your body goes to the baby's body!

Answer by applesoup
I've read several breastfeeding books. All the information I've read said that it'll make you feel fuller (like you have more milk), but it actually decreases your milk. no, it shouldn't dry you up, but it will affect your milk flow.

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Orignal From: Will drinking alcohol while breastfeeding dry you up?

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