
is it possible that im still hungover 2 days later?

is it possible that im still hungover 2 days later?On Saturday night it was my friends 19th birthday and he had a huge party. anyways i drank way too much, and i calculated my blood alcohol level for that night, and it was 0.2. (i calculated today hahaha) so i could have been close to getting alcohol poisoning. so yea i know it was super irresponsible and dumb but whatever im over it.

k well yesterday i had a horrible hangover, but i didnt throw up. today im still feeling kinda shitty, but i didnt think it was possible to be hungover for 2 days. maybe im just getting sick?
uh TexHabs007, how would you know im underage.
i live in ontario, canada.
where the drinking age is 19.
so stop acting like the responsible one, cause really your just judging people.

Answer by TheEndIsHere
you are probably still dehydrated

also that pain in your head is due to inflamation caused by your brain cells dying.

lay off on the booze a bit next time... with the zombie apocalypse coming down on us we can't afford to drink ourselves into stupidity. http://www.theendishere.org

Answer by TexHabs007
0.2 is more than twice the legal limit for those 21+ and as you know from Math class, infinity higher than for those underaged. (Many states have a ZERO tolerance law) .. as for your hangover effects, yes it's possible to still feel the effects two days later.

Answer by Michael Hunt
Yup, you are still hungover. When I started drinking as a kid I used to get 4-day hangovers.

Answer by Nashvegas
I would agree with the 1st poster...probably still dehydrated.

I don't agree with this part though:
also that pain in your head is due to inflamation caused by your brain cells dying.

lay off on the booze a bit next time... with the zombie apocalypse coming down on us we can't afford to drink ourselves into stupidity. http://www.theendishere.org

Answer by Synesthesia
Get thee to a vitamin shop and pick up some:

N-Acetyl Cysteine
Vitamin C

Take these during the day, before you drink and you'll never drink without them again!


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