
Why, the most Harmful Substances like Tobacco and Alcohol are still legal in countries that are against drugs?

Why, the most Harmful Substances like Tobacco and Alcohol are still legal in countries that are against drugs?They are very well known for producing and inducing decease and ultimately painful death and between them they cause millions of deaths worlwide per year against other illegal and natural substances?
Are tobacco,alcohol, the arm trade, pharmaceuticals,oil companies,banks and other monopolized activities the big winners nowadays?
Is it perhaps because of tax revenue and also because politicians and their supporters both consume alcohol and tobacco too?
Bear in mind that illegal means you can go to prison for it, but would it solve the problem?
Because they are legal also makes them the cheapest available and accepted drug too I´m afraid!

Answer by K
They're too meshed with society now to eliminate them. Back in the 1920s the US tried to get rid of alcohol, and that made bad things happen (mob and such). Trying that now would create massive feedback, and probably lots of drunken rioters. People would NOT give up their alcohol, let alone cigarettes.

Although making them illegal along with the rest of the crap is not a bad idea.

Answer by shroomigator
It is because of tax revenue, and also due to the failed prohibition of alcohol in the US in the 1920s... as long as the majority of the people do not want these substances illegal, they will remain legal. the only reason drugs are illegal is because people who use them are in the minority.

Answer by G
one of the biggest "think tanks" in the united states is the heritage foundation -- it has contributed money to the campaigns of two bushes and a reagan. its cheif funder at its inception was joseph coors. coors brewery continues to contribute heavily to give policy makers a good conservative handout.

the heritage foundation was key to making policy for the reagan administration and its war on drugs and the governments sale of drugs. the just of it is there are huge profits to be made by people selling drugs illegally. corporations are the big winner in everything -- even the drug trade.

here is some information on the reagan administration and their sale and transport of cocaine.


Answer by Robert S
When it comes right down to it, the ratio of pot users that suffer ailments from their habit is larger than the others. But no one will admit to it in the dr.s office. The typical question is, "Do you smoke?" not "What do you smoke?" There are hundreds more chemicals in marijuana than a plain cigarette. I know of several individuals who have died or are currently suffering the ill effects of it right now. Any legitimate research into the subject here is considered unethical and illegal.

As for alcohol, many individuals operate vehicles under the influence of drugs (including weed) its called OUID. Happens all the time.

I'm sure tax income has a lot to do with it. But the argument that weed (natural substances) is less dangerous is false and clearly goes against all logic. When it comes right down to it, its all about kids. Why would I, or anyone else want them to have to deal with any more drug use issues. We have enough problems here with prescription drug abuse. Now the largest drug abuse problem in the US. This is not conjecture, as I see the effects daily in my line of work.

Answer by hunting4junk
The drug war is a government run business to support defacto regimes and uprisings in select 3rd world countries.

Give your answer to this question below! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

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