
Alcohol Info: What would be considered a high alcohol tolerance for me?

What would be considered a high alcohol tolerance for me?I am a 5 foot 105 pound girl. The most I ever drank at one time was two smirnoff ices and I wasn't even buzzed. What would be a high alcohol tolerance for me? Perhaps in terms of smirnoff ices?

Answer by COD4_Killa
If you managed to knock back 6-8 Ices in a 2 hour period and still didn't start feeling a bit drunk then that's a pretty high tolerance for a girl. Different types of alcohol can have completely different effects on people.

Try drinking 2 pints of Stella Artois and see what happens, it should be a completely different feeling :)

Answer by nodrama
Smirnoff Ice is hard to get buzzed off of. You'd need alot in a short period of time. When I drink Malts like that I normally pee them out before I get the chance to even get buzzed. Try a shot of something. And then sip your smirnoffs as a chaser. That should have you in a social mood without overdoing it.

Answer by Panther
2 smirnoffs are really nothing.. maybe you should start with six,
then a little rum&coke&ice. and you should be well on your way to drunk

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