
Anxiety + Alcohol = Puke?

Anxiety + Alcohol = Puke?I am turning nineteen this weekend. I have a problem with my nerves. I get panic attacks from time to time. I've drank before (please no comments on how its bad), and I'm going to a club this weekend for my birthday. My problem is that when I drink and then get nervous I end up puking. Sometimes I only have to take one sip and I feel like throwing up. Yet some nights I can drink quite a lot and not feel like puking. Is there any tips for overcome this anxiety and have a good puke free birthday. Please any tips or advise.

Answer by Lady Smythe
Stick to non alcoholic drinks...

Answer by morbidxxx1323
depends on what makes you nervous.if anything i would say keep the party at home.no need for a fake id.no big crowds of strangers.i have the same problem...i dont even need to be drinking but when i get upset i vomit.if i go out partying when im upset i stick close to the people im comfortable with and that i know can always cheer me up.maybe you should wait a while before ordering a drink to see how you feel.happy early birthday.hope its a good one

**xanax or other anti anxieties + alcohol + 19 y/o already semi freakin out = BAD

Answer by Jason
Well to start off i think you have a anxiety disorder buddy because getting nervous and then throwing up isn't exactly normal, so i suggest going on anti-anxiety pills. And the best way to avoid a panic attack (naturally) is to pretend like your heart, lungs are in your stomach...take a deep breath exhale repeat and you start to feel better.

Give your answer to this question below! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

Orignal From: Anxiety + Alcohol = Puke?

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