
Cymbalta and Naltrexone given for alcohol dependence and depression.?

Cymbalta and Naltrexone given for alcohol dependence and depression.?I had weened down to 5 beers a day and had my anxiety/depression pretty much under control. My wife had decided that that was too much alcohol and had me goto a psych doctor that have given me Cymbalta and Naltrexone. I have been off alcohol for more that a week before starting this mix. Now I can barely muster enough energy to get out of bed am getting more depressed about not being able to function. I'm starting to think the no drugs and a little bit of alcohol to maintain anxiety was a better mix. Any input?

Answer by oleo
Go back to the doctor and explain how you are feeling. Adjustments in dose or timing can help, or you might need something different.

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Orignal From: Cymbalta and Naltrexone given for alcohol dependence and depression.?

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