
Alcohol Info: Alcohol in history and culture?

Alcohol in history and culture?Today, alcohol is certainly a popular beverage on a global scale-- from Japan we have Saki, Vodka from eastern Europe, plenty of French wines, Tequila from Mexico, etc. Very much seemingly once dependent on geographic location. To some religions and cultures, drinking is even a tradition, used on special occasions. It seems that the history of alcohol has dated way back, so can anyone give me examples of alcohol in past or even ancient societies? Was it true that in the Renaissance they often drank red wine over water because it was more clean and pure?


Answer by Carliitos.
Alcohol has shaped alot of cultures, taking part in alot of societys celebrations and such.

And also in america, when we had prohabition,

which caused an extreme increase in crime in america,
Lik the mafia bootlegging.

It is recorded, that alcoholwas very popular in Rome and Greece. Mosty it was only for the wealthy and it was boiled in lead pots, which is interesting because one would get lead poisoning, and theories show that alot of them died early because of it. Clean water was sometimes diffiult to come by depending on ones location and alcohol kills all the bacteria so yes it was cleaner.

Answer by badspeller
Rome Italy and Greek people have a 18 hrs good time. this is a non stop drinking and singing. both countries now to be an top of the list. I was 2 summers ago in Greece, and I star dirking wine my self, I never use to drink at all not even one beer, and after 2 months in Greece my friends staring pushing wine on me, I can tell you thus Greeks having a grate life. as you know the people working 8 hrs but split hrs 8 to 12 then go home and eat, go to sleep to 3.30 then back to work 4 to 8 .after 8 they dress and go out. and we hear in America we are like slaves , we have no life at all. believe me they do this for centuries. I use to by have leg of lamb give it bartender he pout it on the charcoal gook it well and 4 guys eating and drinking every night . I real enjoy the Greek ways of life.

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