
My daughter signed custody to me -Do I have to let them visit overnight she has history of drug/alcohol abuse?

My daughter signed custody to me -Do I have to let them visit overnight she has history of drug/alcohol abuse?Since she signed over custody, there are no stipulations as to visitation. I have told her she can see them here anytime she wants and have agreed to outings. Do I have to allow overnight visits?

Answer by straighttalker
If you want those kids to stay with the family you had better not let them stay. All of this was done for a reason, Your daughter is not stable. That being said you have taken responsibility for the children so you have been found to be capable of doing so. If any thing happen to them while with her. The legal system is waiting for you.

Answer by bobbytuttle
no you probably shouldn't let them be alone with her at all, without permission from the children's services saying it's ok

Answer by Shar B
Go back to your lawyer and have a new custody agreement drawn up. Put in the stipulations that you want. That way questions like these are no more.

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Orignal From: My daughter signed custody to me -Do I have to let them visit overnight she has history of drug/alcohol abuse?

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