
Family history of alcoholism in adoption homestudy?

Family history of alcoholism in adoption homestudy?I am currently going through an adoption homestudy and my mother is an alcoholic. I don't have much contact with her and when I do see her she is always sober. My children would never be around her without another adult ect. I have dealt with her alcoholism as my sister is an addiction conselor and my father is a M.D. Just wondering the social worker will see this as an issue?

Answer by luisa_mapacha
It would be best to describe your mother as "estranged" and not a part of your life.

Answer by Kristin
I dont think so but be upfront with the counselor and make sure you state what you did here. Not every family is as perfect as the Beavers.. they expect that and know that there may be some family history. If you notice that it concerns the counselor, ask them about it. Ask them what you can do if anything to show that you have not inherited your mothers disease. Good Luck!

Answer by Heather Y
You're going to paint yourself in the best light by acknowledging the problem as well as how you plan to deal with it.

Answer by dmommab@sbcglobal.net
I don't believe so as long as you take necessary precautions and it sounds like you are. We have adopted twice & when we had our homestudy we told them my husband's brothers are both alcoholics - they asked questions like "will they be with the children alone?" etc and they were satisfied with our answers apparently as both our adoptions are final. GOOD LUCK!

Answer by hotmomma
I think it will be fine. I'm sure there are plenty of people trying to adopt that have alcoholism in their family. My father is an alcoholic and I know how hard it can be. But I'm sure if you are just honest about it, it will be fine. And if you, yourself, are a good person (which it sounds like you are), I don't think there should be any problems. I think it's a wonderful thing what you are doing and I wish you luck. Hope everything works out for you :)

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

Orignal From: Family history of alcoholism in adoption homestudy?

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