
Alcohol Info: Can alcohol affect anything else on your body besides...?

Can alcohol affect anything else on your body besides...?... killing brain cells, producing a higher risk of liver cancer, dehydrating your body and skin, and a hangover? What else does it affect? Does it affect your bones, your hair, your heart, respiratory system, teeth, stomach lining... etc.?

(I know that red wine is healthy for you: the grape skin used in red wine has antioxidants to reduce the risk of lung cancer, Alzheimer's Disease, prevent blood clots, and it helps maintain healthy arteries.)

Answer by Jukali
I believe they've done studies and found that alcohol, even if not red wine, can have beneficial effects on the body in moderate doses. It's only when its drank to excess that it begins to cause damage. I'm not sure what else it can affect negatively.

Answer by ischupid
Alcohol is a drug that affects our health mentally, physically and often involved to violence.Alcohol consumption will affect our brain function. While drinking alcohol, it will directly affects the brain cell. It will alters the balance of some chemicals in our brain. As a result, it will give us unclear mind, less focus on what we are currently doing, and surely it has a big effect on our decision making. This has proven in so many cases, like when people driving a motor vehicle while drinking, this has a higher risk that person to be involved in an accident compare to those who are alcohol free. Why? because when people are alcohol contaminated, they are more careless, unaware in their surroundings, and less focus on what they are doing. As we all knew that driving with alcohol consumption is the major cause of accident nationwide.

Consuming large amount of alcohol is another bad effects that will damage our health physically.Excessive drinking will contributes to addiction and for that will physically damage out health. Alcohol can increase the workload of our heart that might lead to heart attack or it may result to death. In the long run of drinking alcohol, it can irritates our digestive system. Vomiting and ulcers may result if we continue drinking alcohol for the rest of our lives. Alcohol can also reduces our body's ability to produce blood cells resulting in anemia and infections.

What do you think? Answer below! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

Orignal From: Alcohol Info: Can alcohol affect anything else on your body besides...?

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