
Alcohol Info: Do I have Alcohol side effects?

Do I have Alcohol side effects?Four days ago, I went out to a bar, and had a number of drinks, but before that had a few at my house also. As of Sunday, I've been feeling 'spaced out' anxious, worried, some times i have shortness of breath, shake sometimes and trouble sleeping.

Im not an alcoholic, im 19 but i think i have the effects of coming off alcohol after a good week-end!

Does anyone know if this is what it is, or have they gone through something similar?
Its only been 3 days... ?

Answer by paapaa
alcohol only lasts a day or so. the rest is anxiety.

Answer by blondiegirl706
It doesnt sound like you drank that much. Those are side effects of an alcoholic, someone who is legit addicted and needs their fix. Just a good weekend will not cause those side effects unless you happen to be on a medication that works on your CNS, such as an antidepressant. Those can intensity the alcohol and make the afterwards worse. Still that prolly isnt the case. Chances are you are just worked up about thinking you hurt yourself by drinking and are causing way too much anxiety. Just try to relax and go back to your normal activities, and if it scares you like this, maybe consider revising your drinking habits in the future. Hope this helps!

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Orignal From: Alcohol Info: Do I have Alcohol side effects?

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