
Alcohol Info: I'm nervous about a speech, can alcohol or anxiety medication help me settle my nerves?

I'm nervous about a speech, can alcohol or anxiety medication help me settle my nerves?I get so nervous that my body and voice shake while i talk. I also get so nervous that i can hardly breath and I can only say about 5 words at a time. Its really embarrasing. Is there something i can take or do for this? I just need to get through it.

Answer by monkeyhijinx
You could try beta blockers, such as propranolol, 40mg, You still wont look forward to the experience but they are safe and help the shaky hands and voice without sedating you like benzodiazepines would.

Answer by dodol
I think everybody has this when they are not used to talking to the publics. The best way you can do is practice, practice, practice. You can do it just about anywhere - in front of the mirror, when talking to someone, anywhere really.

This thing take some time, so be patient. Good luck!

Answer by sweets
Dont drink alocohol before a speech, lol. Go to your doctor and get on an antianxiety medication, like .25 xanax, the lowest dose. it will relax u. good luck, and picture everyone in the audience naked!

Answer by Angela V
I would try to overcome your fear and anxiety. If you take things to cover it up that will only be a temporary fix. Speech's in front of people will happen outside of school, so embrace your fear. Try to learn your speech really well, so you don't have that to worry about. Find something to concentrate on: keep your hands under the podium and pick at your fingers. Try to practice in front of your friends or family, so you won't feel anxious. The more you do speeches the easier it gets.

Answer by XOUT
That could start you down a dangerous path. If you have to take drugs to control such symptoms, I would use a beta blocker like Inderal or Toprol to block the sympathetic nervous system activity that is causing the tremor.

Other than that, practice makes perfect.

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Orignal From: Alcohol Info: I'm nervous about a speech, can alcohol or anxiety medication help me settle my nerves?

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