
How do you lower the alcohol level in a drink?

How do you lower the alcohol level in a drink?Im not a drinker and dont wanna get drunk before the ball drops today, was wondering if mixing higher alcohol content drinks with water, juices, or milk, would make the alcohol level go down...
any ideas?

Answer by ?
drink a beer

Answer by klimlover
whatever the mixer is...use more of it. If it's a rum and coke, use more coke. You can water down anything, but water isn't that great at adding taste. So if your taking wine or champagne, water is your only option.

Heres a trick:

When pouring a glass most people will put the liquor in, then the mixer. Go the other route. I've found that if I fill my glass with the mixer first, I can just put a small bit of liquor, where as by putting it in first, I often make drinks stronger than id like

Answer by bleweyez20249
Add less alcohol and more drink. You could also make your drink virgin. Drink some juice or a Sprite with a lime on the side and no one will know you are not drinking alcohol.

Answer by Herself
Don't put alcohol in your drink. How much easier could this answer have been?

Answer by ★single serving friend★
Mixing alcohol with juice & such won't actually diminish the amount of alcohol used/consumed, but it might make it take longer for the alcohol to have an effect on you. What I mean is, cocktails have less alcohol per volume in them than a shot obviously, and you don't guzzle down a cocktail like you would shots. So you could have 3 or 4 (or more) shots in an hour, or take your time and drink one cocktail in an hour which is on average, the equivalent of 1-2 shots of straight liquor.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.
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