
Is it safe to use denatured alcohol during pregnancy?

Is it safe to use denatured alcohol during pregnancy?I'm 27 weeks. It would be for a long period of time in an area that dose not have the best ventalition. its being used to clean wood.

Answer by sexxyprego
I don't think so

Answer by rafferty
nope, not at all.

Leave the project for next spring when you and baby can be out of the house.

Answer by arm
Look at the label on the bottle. If it says anything about using in a well ventilated area or warnings with inhaling it, I would stay far away from it. Most cleaning supplies are not good to inhale when your pregnant.

Answer by Karissa
no. If your doing anything where there is alot of fumes even when your not pregnant your supposed to be in a well ventilated area, so when your pregnant you need to make sure its even more ventilated. If its something taht really can't be put off till a later time when your not pregnant then take a fan in with you and have it pulling the air from the room and out instead of blowing in the room.

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