
Why is drinking alcohol while prescribed xanax dangerous?

Why is drinking alcohol while prescribed xanax dangerous?The information that the pharmacy gives you with the prescription warns against consuming alcohol while you are using prescribed xanax. What specifically is so dangerous about it? What precisely happens on a medical level?

Answer by designtwilight
A few things. It can harm the lining of your stomach because it adds to the acidity of the alcohol. It also increases the effects of the intoxication and can make it easier to get alcohol poisoning. But some people take this combination recreationaly for that reason.

Answer by Joel T
Because there is a drug interaction with the Alchohol that may damage your liver or other major organs. I am pretty sure you want to follow that advise soundly.

Answer by Bambino28
because when you take you don't even remember your name
just try it and you'll know it..

Answer by gargoyle
They are both cns depressants. Which could stop breathing. As well as severe mental and physical impairment.

Answer by blade
you get drunk faster and saves you money

What do you think? Answer below! Find out the facts about the effects of alcohol on the body, how to spot the signs of addiction and where to seek advice and support.

Orignal From: Why is drinking alcohol while prescribed xanax dangerous?

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