
How long does it take to reach maximum blood alcohol content after having 2 standard drinks of spirits>?

How long does it take to reach maximum blood alcohol content after having 2 standard drinks of spirits>?If I drink 2 standard 30ml (or 1 fl.oz.) glasses of vodka how long will it take for my blood acohol content to reach it maximum before the level of alcohol in my blood starts to decline? Say it was 7pm when I drank the vodka, what time would the level of alcohol in my blood peak and start going back down.

Answer by Hives
drinking spirits?

last time i had a ghost to drink, i was drunk in under a minute

Answer by wildcat
This is entirely dependent on how well your body metabolizes alcohol, which is dependent on a variety of factors (including sex [you're a female so it's a little slower], race [people of Asian descent typically break down alcohol slower], and genetics [i.e. some people are protected against the effects of intoxication more than others]). Basically, it's difficult to put an exact estimate on it, but the peak BAC will be somewhere between 30-45 minutes for each drink. In your case, I'm not sure 2 drinks would put you over any legal limit, but it would probably be best to wait until around 9 p.m. for the effects to wear off.

Answer by dusty.wilk
Maybe 10 minutes to peak and 20 to plateau. It would probably start falling at around 2 hours. It depends, though on your weight.

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